Online dating usernames for women

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No data is shared unless you engage with this feature. You also have the option to put in your own name for a servile gender-specific username. The trick is choosing a username that highlights an attractive trait. Statistics Author Google Analytics This is used to provide traffic data and reports to the authors of articles on the HubPages Service. Advertise it with names like MyHandsForYou, CowboyWannabe, HandymanCan, FleaMarketFlipper, DownDirtyDude, or StrongnotSilent. Jesus some music and get to it. Im going to keep working on it and hopefully change my luck soon!.

Your username in an online dating profile matters more than you might realize. I know, I know; none of the sites make it clear enough. Dating sites are a work in progress. But trust me: usernames MATTER. Check out this link about. Your username, coupled with your profile picture, is the MOST visible thing in search results. What makes for a BAD username? You can check out with a decent round-up of some of the very worst username strategies, but there are a lot of more mundane things that make for bad usernames. Trying too hard to perfectly sum yourself up is a common pitfall. So is anything remotely sexual. What makes for a GOOD username? Groan-inducing puns are terrific here. Of course, this will be paired with a GREAT profile picture, and a GREAT profile. How can she resist!? These first ones are mainly designed with a straight guy in mind. PRO: Nothing, absolutely nothing. Even if sex is important to you, you come off like a complete jackass if you actually spell that out with middle school shorthand. As covered in the roundup link of bad username ideas, avoid anything sexxxxy here. You WILL get laid eventually if you come off as a human and not a sexbot troll douchebag. Remember, this is your VERY first impression. This is not useful data. That would make them relevant and witty, and likely to stand out to similarly math-minded gals. Could send the wrong message about your orientation, despite you self-identifying as straight on the site. Think about the double-entendre and maybe check the terms you want to use in, but with a grain of salt. I just aim higher, and you should too! It stands out from other usernames in a list. But if the shoe fits, then this is a fun playful username that sets you apart. SingleMaltBrisket — Better PRO: Grabs interest with a slight play on words; clearly indicates that you like a whiskey and b meat. CON: Potentially makes you sound drinky. Real-life username examples Above you have a few examples that I made up to illustrate a point. In light of that, I asked a bunch of OkCupid users who had decent usernames if I could include them here as examples, so you can get a feel for what works well! These are real people who have been generous enough to share their actual usernames, or sometimes allowed me to share a vague notion of what their username was like. They make you chuckle, or pause and think. They hint at an underlying sense of humor or whimsy, while standing out from the competition. Gluten Is Great Reverend Von YOLO El Custardo Day of the Cow References to something specific These can be song lyrics, common turns of phrase, pop culture slogans, etc. In ours we have a common gem of wisdom regarding puzzle completion, a phrase from The Lorax, a reference to an old SNL skit, and a co-opted marketing phrase. These are all way more eye-catching and curiosity-inducing than your average username. However, if you can come up with a more clever way to describe yourself and what you do, go for it! These are all descriptive usernames that give a hint as to what people do or are like, without attempting to completely sum up their entire essence. Code Grinder Stager Monkey Casual Subversive Ways to be creative even when you feel out of ideas: Even creatively bankrupt online daters can still come up with interesting usernames. It just takes a bit more stretching. Both of these users came up with ways to be playful and shed a bit of personality in their username choices! Make a list of lots of words associated with you. Things you do, things you like, things you work at, things you watch, things you eat, things you enjoy. Try to keep this list to more nouns and verbs than adjectives. My clients get more of my help in this process than you random readers, but I do hope this guide is of assistance to everyone struggling in username purgatory!

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