5 minute dating ct

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Yet we still spent about 75 minutes engaging in uninspired conversation — putting in the appropriate amount of time required for the sake of decorum. As you recall, the same thing happened with the. In fact, it happens far more often than not when I meet someone online. I think this is effing brilliant. Because at the end of the day we know what this person really represents: another disappointment. But back to the positive — the 5-minute date. Is it possible to suggest this to a date without sounding crazy? How would you respond if someone proposed this idea to you before you met? You know your stuff, check it out and let me know what you think?! Would you ever give it a go?! Takes far less than 5 minutes. I like the 5-minute date…like speed dating. Yeah, I understand that. Like the guy with the gold chain and sweatpants who keeps staring at your boobs? The 5-minute date is like meeting someone in a bar. But I can appreciate that five minutes is pretty extreme. Maybe 20 minutes is more like it in reality. I can think of several occasions during which I would have loved to have used this. I was trying to ditch them and b. Great topic pick as usual. Keep it up and your blog will beat Roissy. Wordpress as the most interesting place for dating discussion. Normally, I would think 20 minutes would be courteous with a great excuse business for it not lasting more than that. But the real issue is when you really could be using the time meeting another specific person where time is limited. I have this very issue today. A friend set me up for a date at 6PM with a 24 year old I am over 40 but look early 30s but I already told a nice 31 year old woman that I would like to watch a movie with her on DVD at my place after work tonight and she said that sounded cool and asked me to call her today to confirm whether we will do that or not. I may be able to shave it to 10 minutes. The second woman also has to know tonight may be super busy for me. In some respects it is a good problem to have two dates quasi-scheduled for the same time , but it adds stress to life when there are time conflicts like this. I totally believe that you can sum up whether or not a date is going anywhere within five minutes. I was on a bad date that lasted over an hour and a half. But, neither of them met the guys through online dating. One was a neighbor and the other was a friend of a friend, so they were able to get to know one another in social situations, with mutual friends, without the pressure of one-on-one dates. Are you kidding me? A cue card list of the questions that have to be answered within that 5 minutes circulated by fliers over the city before the date? Why not just put an assembly line in at the front of your door around 7pm every Friday night to weed out all the unqualifieds too? What are women expecting in 5 minutes? But seriously, of course there is no way to get to know someone in five minutes. The 5-minute date is designed to protect both parties — male or female. In the first five minutes, people usually have one of three thoughts: A Yes! No way, no how. Thanks for sharing your opinion — I was hoping to hear both sides. Okay, that changes everything. Sorry I misconstrued the point. I actually think that most men would be into that. This actually reminds me of the 10-minute rule that I enacted last year after having been a wingman for my friend and spent over 2 hours entertaining this VERY unattractive woman. I remember see my friends pointing and laughing the entire time from the bar. Anyway, so in situations like this, the wingman is only obligated to spend 10 minutes doing his wingman duties and he is free to come up with any excuse necessary to leave. The 10-minute rule can be applied to so many different things. Nope, it was one of our other best friends, Jimmy. However, Bernie was one of the guys who was pointing and laughing. And the worst part is he only got her email because she supposedly had a boyfriend. The only bright side is that I was unofficially awarded the Wingman of the Year award that night and the option of using Jimmy as a wingman in any situation that I require. Rather suffer the tedium than risk upsetting someone. Slow down, meet up with the ones that really tickle your walnut — you Americans are too fast-food, everything. I am currently single, if you live in the UK and can match all three specifications, call me! But the beauty of this is that if both parties agreed to the 5-minute date prior to meeting, no one gets offended! And pimp away, girl!

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